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Why hire me? Do you have the time, experience, sources of information, and contacts to do the job yourself? Can you properly manage all the risk factors and protect yourself? Would you get the same contractual terms and price? These are a few of the areas where I will earn the commission that I am paid.

My insight in determining a pricing strategy for the property you wish to buy or sell can keep you from missing the opportunity to go under contract at the best price. Before I go live with a listing or put in an offer to purchase, I get input from one of the appraisers I work with regularly. This does not cost you anything but gives you that added input from another expert with a different view point. As a Buyer, you will be confident that you are not overpaying for your new home. As a Seller, you will be confident that you will not be overpricing your property which would result in subsequent price reductions and a longer time to sell your property. We don't want to miss a buyer because your home was incorrectly priced.

Marketing a home for sale is a multifaceted job. Buyer interest will be generated from the multiple listing, public open houses, broker open houses, advertising on the internet ( I pay for 1000 targeted visitors every month in DC and Northern Virginia) , direct mail, virtual tour, Craigs List, Featured Listing Placement on any buyer can click on the REAL PING button on my website and be connected to me to discuss your listing.

Because of my background as a lender, I have knowledge of every aspect of the transaction. In negotiations for a settlement date for a buyer, I will make sure we factor in any additional cost you may incur for a longer lock for your surprises. I can answer mortgage questions. The lender I recommend gets your mortgage processed and approved before you start looking for a home (most don't work this way). There are several advantages to proceeding this way: your loan is finished except for a contract, appraisal and title work so there are no last minute suprises, no last minute documents to find, you have the strongest possible mortgage commitment which gives us a better negotiating position, and you can settle quickly (another strong point for negotiations). This also provides you with the maximum protection from contractual default. I want to ensure that your transaction goes smoothly.

For buyers, I have lots of strategies to save you money in your transaction. If you can put your offer to purchase in mid week, the negotiating momentum is on our side. The seller just came out of another weekend without an offer...I also know settlement companies that discount the very expensive title insurance for purchase transactions. Every little bit of savings helps. I will also give you a very accurate and detailed closing cost worksheet at the beginning of the process and go over it with you so that there are no suprises. A home inspection and home warrenty are other good vehicles to protect you from the unknown and I recommend you get these after the contract is ratified. I am very meticulous, and I leave no stone unturned when looking for a home for my buyers.

For sellers, I bring unprecedented value to evaluating the offers to purchase your home. Most transactions fail to reach settlement because of a problem with the financing which was not discovered until too late. I will call the lender and insure that all the borrowers documents have been checked and get this in writing from the lender. I will also find out exactly what loan they are getting...since I know the underwriting requirements for most loans I can ask the right questions. The earnest money deposit is little consolation if you have taken your property off the market, and you have made your plans based on the settlement date at hand.

And most important, I am a fanatic about customer service!!

My goal is to earn all your future business, by providing you with unsurpassed market and financial knowledge, personal service, and discretion.


This is only a small slice of the value that I will bring to your transaction.

I hope you will take a few moments to visit my website :  )
I wrote all the articles.

Thank you for taking the time to visit with me. I would be honored to help you.



Debbie Jensen
Fairfax Realty, Inc
950 Herndon Parkway
Suite 120
Herndon, VA 20170
Voice  703-443-9224
Fax    703-880-7582
Mobile 571-218-9877
Gay Realtor Directory
Northern Virginia
Washington, DC
E-Mail Debbie Jensen
Proudly serving all of Washington DC and Northern Virginia
Debbie Jensen Realtor, Mortgage Broker

Visit Debbie's Website